Sunday, June 29, 2008

I am so excited it is summer! I have enjoyed the warm weather and that the kids are out of school. We have done a lot of swimming, a little bit of boating, and definitely have relaxed especially in the evenings!

Treyton is ending his baseball season this weekend. He has done well and improved his game. Treyton got hit in the elbow. It has been fun watching him! Tayler and Treyton go to our church camp in a week! I do not know what I am going to do with all my time without them! I'm guessing I will be on a mini vacation myself with the free time I will have. I'm sure I will find plenty of organizing to do in my house.

Trav is in the process of finding a job right now. Unfortunately the job market isn't good at the time, but we are praying the right job opens up for him. Life took an unexpected turn this year, when we found out Mackenzie, Trav's girlfriend, was pregnant. She is due October 9 and they have decided to keep the baby. They are having a boy. There are so many emotions that come from news like that, but I feel God prepared me with a verse two weeks before I found out. I woke up in the middle of the night and God laid this on my heart: " I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth." At the time, I wondered why that verse was given to me, but two weeks later I knew. I know that going through this time, I can lean on God and know that He is with us. He has all the answers that we need just as always. It has allowed me to understand how important it is to support people when they are going through hard times. It is rough sometimes to stay encouraged, but I have been SO blessed by SO many people whom I can count on when I am low and feel like I want to give up on the impossible. Mitchell Kruse at Lakewood's graduation this year said something that I have grasped onto as my anchor when I feel like giving up. He said" If you GIVE up, you cannot LIVE up to God's expectations for your life. That is why I will not give up. Please pray for both Travis and Mackenzie as they become parents and all they need to prepare for! They are young and need support around them to help them accomplish what they need to!

Aaron is doing further testing in his health issues still. I am hoping we are getting closer to finding out what is causing all of this! It can be scary at times, but still I decided when this all started happening (which was the beginning of May) that I would give it to God, knowing He is our Healer. The peace I have felt this year from God is amazing. But it comes in me having the faith and trust in God to know none of His plans are to harm me. Please continue to pray for the wisdom of all the Dr's who are trying to determine the cause of Aaron's health issues. Please pray for Aaron and the family as we wait for answers!

The end of May, I did quit my Brotherhood Mutual Insurance job. I felt it was necessary for me to concentrate on my families needs at this time. I am so glad I did. I am where I need to be right now. I have four cleaning jobs that keep me busy enough with time to play w/ the kids, but could use probably a couple more to be just right. I have saved quite a bit on gas with it being $4.19/gallon. Wow, we definitely see a savings there!

Have a great week and remember when we surrender our life totally and completely to God, He can use us and make us in who He designed us to be! It is so worth it!

Blessings to all of you! Thanks for ALL the support in the last few months! You are helps keep me encouraged!
